FACT CHECK: Are 'Blue Balls' a Real Thing?

Ball Pain Stops With Us.

Too many men are suffering in silence. Do you really want to go through life feeling like your coin purse if full of hot coals? Do you want your family jewels to be a source of constant agony? Oklahoma Ball Pain is dedicated to rooting out evil where it lives and destroying it. Call now and make an appointment.

Specialist of the Month:

Jonathan Doolittle, M.D.

Yes, I shave.

Dr. Doolittle arrived at the Oklahoma Ball Pain institute when his first choice – the Imperial Texas Scrotalgia Clinic declined to pick him up off waivers. Having done an actual fellowship in Ball Pain he is among the foremost experts in the country in diagnosing, touching, caressing, operating on, and creating little felt dresses for balls.

Dr. Doolittle’s primary area of expertise is Cognitive Ball Pain therapy, wherein one tries to uncover the deep psychological roots of ball pain and use ball hypnotherapy to challenge the balls to cast off their negative attitudes. This has been shown, like all Ball Pain therapy, to be about as effective as placebo.

Please join us in saluting Dr. Doolittle, Savior of the Scrotum.