Certainly you have a reaction to this picture. If it is still mid 2020 then you either feel made fun of or reaffirmed. People who wear masks to prevent the spread of COVID-19 are sheep, you may feel. Or you may believe that this photo is attacking your notion that the wearing of masks is necessary. The photo is not here to affirm either belief. It is here to point out that the image is powerful enough to evoke strong feelings in many people.
There is easily available information supporting either the belief that mandatory masking is beneficial or not beneficial. Those elements who vehemently decry their freedom to wear masks would at least be significantly lower number if the evidence was both definitive and one-sided. Rather than seeking better sources of information or seeking alternative approaches to disseminating information support their side, the parties on both sides simply intensify their messaging. This has resulted in informational gridlock
The simplest explanation is most likely the right one
William of Ockham (c. 1287–1347)
Is it simple to believe that the issue of masking to prevent the transmission of infection is not settled? This in a world where we can solve the extraordinary mathematical and engineering challenges that go into launching humans into space and safely recovering them? This in a world where we can accurately predict weather phenomena weeks in advance? We simply don’t have this answer and there is signficant debate on it. That’s what we are to believe…that is the simplest explanation for the presence of alternative information?
No. The simplest explanation is that someone is lying to us. Some actor is working to abjure the truth and confuse us. This statement is indifferent to the fact of masking versus no masking. When stated plainly, it should seem obvious that there is an interested party attempting (successfully) to spread disinformation and confusion.